Self Care is essential! No if’s or but’s about it!! There are many parts to Self Care so I’ve decided to break it down for you in a short series of posts. Let’s talk SKIN CARE. Ever heard the saying “love the skin your in”? I’m sure this speaks to being confident and bold about who you are..NOT your actual skin. We don’t speak much about the IMPORTANCE of good Skin care but today we will. Today I want to teach you how to literally LOVE the skin your in. Your skin has been with you since birth. Everyday of your living life, you are connected to your SKIN, so why aren’t you being good to it? In my recent discovery of skin care, I didn’t even realize how much my skin needs me💯. Most of just complain about what’s wrong with our oily, bumpy, flabby, sensitive skin (guilty) without taking moments to FOCUS on caring for something we will never be without . So the first step to SKIN CARE is knowing what type of skin your in. (I’m sure there’s an app or google for that). Type in the way your skin behaves and in minutes you will have “language” to explain what you’ve been dealing with. You could also book an appt with a Dermatologist 💯 //Step two-once you know your skin type-be intentional about buying products that match your skin. I have super sensitive skin so I can’t use anything with lots of perfumes or dyes-or I’ll end up looking like those bumpy gourdes you buy in fall LOL. Not to mention I’ll be itching like crazy! So when I buy skin care products I look at LABELS. (If you cant pronounce 3-4 items in the ingredients don’t buy it) I stick with all NATURAL products for my skin and some I even make myself. //Step 3 Once you’ve bought your Soaps, Moisturizers, cleansers, sponges and washcloths-USE then! I cannot tell you how many times I’ve gone and purchase skin care products and they sit on my sink for weeks-unused! Make time to start using what you buy/ set a specific day or add skincare to your morning routine. Every morning I take ten minutes to exfoliate and moisturize my skin, you can do it in the shower. No excuses! You don’t need a fancy exfoliate (Target or Walmart carry great body and facial scrubs) just find something that works to get rid of that dry dead skin and apply a moisturizer afterwards. If you want to know the DIY exfoliates I use, hit me up in the comments. I have recently been moisturizing my skin with natural oil from roses💖💖💖.my skin has been thanking me everyday! when your good to the skin your in, that’s the start of SELF CARE. Not only will you feel better emotionally but you will physically look better-yes get that natural GLOW sis. Questions about skin care? Comments? Let’s chat-don’t be shy Grab my mini SELF CARE guide today and start being good to you right now sis. Click “shop” on my website or click this pic. Practical real life ways to care for the most important person in your life...YOU😘
Elder Kay StarksScribe. Prophetess. Wife. Mother. Entrepreneur and Friend! I am completely in LOVE with God and using all the Gifts He has graciously given me, to serve the world. Archives
May 2020
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