Day One: Create an inviting atmosphere through soft worship music or your own singing. What do you hear God say? (write it down)
Day Two: Read and pray OUTLOUD verses 13-17 of Psalms 139 (use a bible version you understand) ^What words stand out to you the most?
Day Three: Create an inviting atmosphere with a song that focuses on God's power! (Sing your own song or play a praise song) ^Did you feel God's presence? (Write down how you felt in those moments)
Day Four: {If you filled with the Holy Spirit} Start this prayer by speaking in tongues. Don't focus on what your speaking, focus on God's holiness and His love. ^Write down what things you LOVE most about God. ^What did you hear God say? (write it down)
Day Five: Focus on God's instruction! Look over the words you have written down that God has spoken over the past few days. ^Pray and ask God if there are ANY instructions attached to these words He has spoken to you. (write them down)
Day Six: Commit an extra 10 minutes to whatever time you set TODAY to commune with God. ^Speak honestly to God from your heart today. WAIT quietly for God to respond to your prayer. ^What do you hear in your heart? (write it down)
Day Seven: Sing or play as song of Thanksgiving to God! ^tell God 50 things you are thankful for (make a list) ^pray and ask God to speak to you specifically about an individual in your family that you are concerned about.